Mittwoch, 9. März 2011


Hey guys (: whats up. weeell, karneval is over (it's like the same thing in germany (here) like halloween in USA, only it's in febuary and people go on the street and well celebrate.
But the costume part is definitaly the same (:

I once was dressed as a Eskimo, the costume was from a halloween store in Portland, Oregon.
Then once i was dressed as a hippie, there aren't any pictures though, I'm sorry.
Also, the last day of FASCHING, i was just dressed, I wore blue workermen's pants and had a funny painted face, but just look at the pictures!!

Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010

Heyy so this is me talking to my best friend on the phone

Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009

Ru_Mi_No x3

Cuz she's the best

Today's A Lazy Day

Luisa and Lilli, 2 German girls doing Yoga in Northeast Portland, OR (USA)
This was absolutaly an amazing night!
We each drank tons of energy drinks, watched pineapple express and then sang german children songs...
Then, at about 3 a.m. we were so hyperactive and decided to do Yoga. That was when this picture took place :))
sweet memories x3

Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009

heey leute - The Mountains and Octoberfest :)

Octoberfest 2009
And a hiking trip in the Alps

Toll :) Rudolfshütte

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009

Heute ist ein doofer Tag... aber dafür scheint die sonne :)

Hey people!!!

Well, I'm kinda sick so I'm just gonna put up some pictures i really like....

This one was taken in between Forks, WA and Seattle, WA on a parking area... It was empty and the sun was going down and 2 children are running around. I really like it

Mittwoch, 16. September 2009

Lilli :)))

C'est moi :)